Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Iceberg off Salvage

A highlight at the KNL Retreat was a half-day paddle out to an iceberg near the town of Salvage. For Freya and Greg, this was their first close encounter with an iceberg. And were they excited!

Here's Greg with a big smile!

Freya had to get her hands on some ice.

Since the iceberg was grounded on the bottom, we dared get close. But this is risky, since the chunks could break off or the berg could split and roll. However, we could not resist the magnetic pull of getting close to one of these ice giants.

The shades of brilliant blue in the veins of the iceberg were simply gorgeous. The warmth was melting the berg into undulating curves of beauty.

It was a great day! Here's Dirk having some fun on the way back to Salvage.

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